Friday, February 1, 2013

Thank You

As my university exchange as now ended, it's time to say some very special thank you's and goodbyes.
Dear Canada,
Thank you for allowing me to live in and welcoming me to your absolutely beautiful country for the past 5 months. On my travels I got to see many amazing places including Vancouver, Penticton, Revelstoke, Banff, Lake Louise, Jasper, Edmonton, Whistler, Whitehorse, Toronto, Mont Tremblant, Montreal, and Quebec; all unique and equally breathtaking in their own ways. I got to experience a range of different weathers, from really hot summer days, to -38!!! I fell in love with the Canadian people, accents, culture, landscapes, and food (poutine, yam fries, beef dip, bear paws, and beavertails!). I cannot wait to return to Canada this July for two weeks and hopefully many more times in the future :)
Dear British Columbia,
The phrase "Beautiful British Columbia" does not disappoint. From mountainous terrains, to gorgeous cities, and ski resorts this province has everything to offer, and I was extremely lucky to be able to call this place home for four mouths.
Dear Vancouver,
Thank you for being an amazing city to live in. Despite living up to the name 'Raincouver' on more than one occasion, and giving my umbrella and rain boots a workout, I loved every second I spent here. Robson St for fantastic shopping and food, the interesting mix of old and new architecture, the waterfront view with the mountains in the distance, Canada Place, the Olympic Cauldron, the awesome food carts, Capilano Suspension Bridge, the steam clock in Gastown, gorgeous English Bay Beach at sunset, riding in a seaplane, riding bikes around beautiful Stanley Park, the Vancouver Aquarium, Granville Island's fresh food, the Vancouver Lookout's stunning views, all the great dessert places, ziplining at Grouse Mountain, and finally, UBC. Everything I did there was so memorable and something I will never forget. I'll be visiting again in July and I know that won't be the last time.
Dear UBC,
Thank you for being an incredible university to study at. I gained a completely different experience living on such a beautiful (and huge) campus. Thank you for providing me with courses that were interesting yet challenging, and giving me a much better average than I get here in Sydney! Thank you for the experiences I had there, like visitng the Japanese Garden, the Rose Garden, the Botanical Gardens, climbing the 500 stairs up from Wreck Beach multiple times, going to football, ice hocky, volleyball, and basketball games, the opportunity to participate in so many different events like Day of the Longboat, and meeting friends that will last a lifetime. I've bought so much merchandise with UBC plastered all over them, and the University of British Columbia will always hold a special place in my heart.

Dear Place Vanier,
Thank you for being an awesome place to live on campus. Thank you for providing me with somewhat good cafeteria food every day. Thank you for putting on so many events like Vanier Olympics, Graffiti Night, Sock Wars, Horror Ball, Halloween House Hop, Winter Formal, Casino Night, and the Robson Pageant. They were all so much fun, and despite being a 2nd year student, I really felt like I got to experience a first year dorm college life.

Dear TweedSL,
Thank you for being a great combination of houses! We came second place in Vanier Olympics, won Best House Spirit, won the Vanier Ultimate League, and won Do It In The Dark! Royal Army for life. TWEEDSL ARE YOU SEXY? SIR YES SIR!

Dear Sherwood Lett,
Thank you for being a lovely house to live in. Despite being one of the oldest houses in Vanier, and pulling the fire alarm in first week, having easy to blow fuses, broken down washing machines and dryers, and giving us no hot water for a week, you still managed to be a cute and cosy house and I mananged to turn my little room into a home. Thank you for providing me with views from my window of squirrels chasing each other and giving me a private place to spy on people randomly singing while walking down the path.

Dear exchange friends,
Thank you for making my exchange experience the best it could be. Thank you for being like-minded people who love to travel, and thank you for being my buddies to touristy places. Thank you for encouraging and coming with me on trips that I could only imagine going on. Our UBC exchange experience was a great one. It may be over now, but we will all see each other in the future :)

Dear my SL 4th girls,
Thank you all so much for making my exchange experience the best time of my life. You are all amazing girls and I already miss you so much!! I had so much fun getting to know you all, hanging out, and going on adventures. Playing "move your butt" on our first day, the dining hall dash, tie-dying t-shirts, exploring campus, our group dinners in the caf, open air movies in first week, decorating the floor lounge, going to our first frat party, visiting the Japanese Garden and Botanical Gardens, our visit to Wreck Beach at sunset and our Wreck Beach bonfire, watching UBC sports games, Vanier Olympics, participating in Day of the Longboat, celebrating everyone's birthdays, scaring the floormates in the bathroom, Graffiti Night, Sock Wars, the Dunbar Haunted House, exploring downtown, cooking Thanksgiving dinner, multiple shopping adventures, Horror Ball and the Halloween House Hop, playing in the leaves outside, playing in the snow, creating my awesome post-it wall, trips to Safeway, Winter Formal, Robson Pageant, watching movies, chilling in the lounge, our serious chats, our cute and hilarious chats, and so much more. There were so many laughs and smiles, and a bit of tears at the end. I know I have made friends for a lifetime with you girls. This isn't a goodbye. I'll see you all soon in the future :)

Dear Kurtis,
I'm so glad that I met you at Graffiti Night. We started off as friends, feelings suddenly grew, and we were able to start our relationship. When I applied for exchange I had no intentions of this happening, but I'm SO happy it did. Thank you for always being there for me, and for making me the happiest girl in the world. I love you so much and I seriously cannot wait to see you in July :)

Dear Australian friends and family,
Thank you so much for encouraging me and supporting me before I left, and while i was away from home. Your Skype calls and letters got me through my little spells of homesickness. I want to give a very special thank you to my parents for absolutely everything. When I had my doubts about exchange before leaving, you both believed in me and encouraged me to do it, as you know I'd been dreaming about exchange since I started high school. Thank you for helping me settle in, for funding my trip, and for giving me the amazing Christmas present of visiting Clara in Spain and Kurtis in Vancouver in July this year. I love you both so much.

My exchange experience was the most incredible time of my life and I'm so grateful that I got the chance to do it. Although I'm so sad that It's come to an end, it's time for new adventures, and I will be visiting Vancouver and UBC again soon <3


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